
23 April 2012

I'm Getting Married

I'm getting married (^_^)

I know, I know people get married like every holidays but if i can't get excited about my wedding who would?

Insyallah, if god allows it my wedding will be held end of this year~~

But that't not the reason i'm blogging~

I wanted to share my planning and ask if anybody got any suggestion about anything ( about wedding )

Right now, i have bought all the flight ticket ( except mine )

And all the important thing is 50% done

But all the door gift still in planning and i have no idea what to give

It would just be easy to give out the usual but i want to do something a bit unusual ~ just a bit~ 

My wedding dress in on the way, they just bought the fabric~

Hopefully everything goes to plan~ Amin~

24 Julai 2011

Nasib Seorang Pekerja Kerajaan

Mesti kalo ada orang tbaca tajuk ne sakit hatikan?
Ialah macam tak bsyukur je dah berkerja~ mmg bersyukur kerana di kurniakan rezeki untuk dapat perkerjaan~tapi sebagai manusia biasa ada kala hati ini terguris apabila masa hak-hak yang sepatutnya kita dapat seolah-olah diperlekehkan~

Govt memperuntukkan elaun-elaun untuk penjawat awam tetapi ada masa seolah-olah kita merayu untuk mendapatkan hak kita~

Bukankah itu hak kita? Dan yang lawaknya apabila polisi elaun ne berlainan mengikut jabatan dan ketua jabatan. Bukankah kita ada garis panduan mengenai siapa yang layak dan siapa yang tidak? Kenapa perlu dipersoal lagi? Sedangkan dimana kita ditempatkan bukan pilihan kita tetapi "mereka" tetapkan~

Saya bukan menyokong pembangkang, tolong jangan salah faham~
ini adalah rintihan hati saya sebagai penjawat awam~

27 Mac 2011

Me in ABC

I saw a friend of mine do this in his blog~and i luv it~ so i kinnda wanna borrow his idea for my blog so you guys can see a glimpse of who i am~

Anak kepada Cikgu Awang Jair Ampuan Alli & Siti Norkiah Abdul~

Banyak adik beradik, ada 7 orang jaa :P~

Cry baby~i cry really easily~

Dayang NoorFarta nama diberi~

Easily to be friend with~

Farta nama yang dipanggil oleh kawan2~

Gadis yang cute ( tunggu org puji lmbt :P )~

Happy go lucky that who i am~

Independent person~

Jarang berdendam but once i did , i don't easily forget~

Kaki karaoke~thats my favorite thing to do when i'm stressed out~

Labuan tempatku membesar~miss that small island~

Miss my family and my nieces a lot~

Nakal sikit~ahaks

Optimistic person ( most of the time )~

Papar & Sipitang, Sabah is where my parents ( an me of coz ) are from~

Quite a talkative person~

Rain is my favorite weather~its so relaxing~

Shopping is the best therapy~if i can't shop there's always window shopping~hehehe

Trust people who are around her too easily ( that what my mum said i was )

Unlike my other siblings, i'm not the shyest ( paling nda tau malu la senang )~

Volkswagen beetle adalah kereta idaman ku~i like bulat2 pny kereta~hahaha~

When i love somebody, i love with all my heart~

X ( no ) drinking or smoking~

Yellow not my favorite colour~

Zero idea on what i am writing right now~heheheh~

11 Mac 2011

good bye~

i haven't been blogging for a week ~
i was sick~having fever~
and i was busy cause by the news that i am going to be transferred~
i am going to be taken out of my comfort zone for so long~
its okey~ some changes are good for us~
i actually kindda run out of things to said due to all this craziness~

i'm gonna miss this place~
thru good or bad~
i was here~
good bye~
Hello, new boss~~hehehe

1 Mac 2011

Fun Things~

hehehe~there are lots of fun things for us to do when we got lots of time in our hand~for me~ i was playing make up last night~huhuh i said playing bcoz i'm not that good in make up~so if you find the result kinda funny just comment ya~

This is a picture of me before any make up on ( sorry for the lighting and quality of pics i was only using my nokia 5610 that only have like 3.2 megapixels )

And the result after i donno how many minutes of staring at the mirror and watching korean drama at the same time...jeng jeng jeng......

ta daaaa~~this is how i look :P ~

I actually was going to do the double winged eyeliner but due to lack of experience, i only opt to the winged eyeliner~here's an up close picture of the make up

( again sorry for the lighting )

So what u guys think bout it???


We Are Happy....
Because their are reason or something that make us happy
We Are Sad....
Because their were something that made us sad
We Are Mad....
Because of things and people that we don't like
We Laughs ....
Because there was something funny

Why do we feel empty????
Why do feel like empty inside?

There are those moments in life that we will feel like this...feel empty....i felt it once in a while~
With women, you can't just blame our hormones..We are just born with some kind of mechanism that make us feel all kind of things even the smallest things...

With men, they usually only feel like this when they realize they don't achieve anything in life, love and family~

Some say the feeling of emptiness is accompany with the feeling of uselessness....
The feeling of not needed by others~ And if we die nobody will be affected by it~
Why do we feel this way? is there a cure for this kind of feeling?

I don't know but i do know that this feeling can be lessen with people around being more nicer or caring, not much but to care enough to realize what other people are feeling~

Not all feeling can be said and understand~sometimes we just have to look and try to understand~

24 Februari 2011 AWASI SUAMI JIKA MEREKA KE LABUAN! AWASI SUAMI JIKA MEREKA KE LABUAN!: "Saudara pengarang, KALAU satu pasukan khas ditubuhkan untuk menyiasat kes penyeludupan PATI yang berlaku di Tawau dan Lahad Datu yang..."

hmmmm~~~sedih btul baca artikel ne tp tak blh disangkal kan apa yg dinyatakan~ saya sendiri membesar di labuan~ memang peka dan sedar tentang apa yang di katakan di dalam artikel ini~

Labuan merupakan pulau besar cukai, jadi stok2 minuman yang "tak sedap tuh", harga memang murah, seperti harga setin coca cola~dah tidak di sangkal lagi labuan memang byk pusat karaoke dan kelab malam~ pusat karaoke di Labuan bkn seperti pusat2 karaoke Redbox, GreenBox etc tp lebih kepada kelab malam~ sering kali dipenuhi dengan perempuan2 yg berpakaian seksi gilaaaa~putih-putih melepak dan pelbagai umur~dan bermula seawal jam 8 malam sehingga jam 3 pagi~Dan tempat2 sebegitu tumbuh seperti cendawan selepas hujan~

Latarbelakang "perempuan-perempuan" ini daripada pelbagai bangsa dan dari pelbagai negara tp kebanyakannya daripada Filiphina dan Indonesia~ yg paling muda yg saya sendiri pernah dgr dan nmpk adalah semuda 14 tahun!.....Apa nak jadi....

Dan, seperti tajuk artikel td, isteri2 perlu awasi suami mereka~ tp ibu bapa juga perlu mengawasi anak2 mereka yg bercuti / berjalan2 ke Labuan sebab stok2 minuman "yg tak sedap" dan " perempuan2" senang di dapati di sana~

Bagi pendapat saya, masalah ini perlu di atasi bermula dengan rakyat Labuan itu sendiri.... Warga2 Labuan, elakkan lah pergi ke pusat2 karaoke dan kelab2 malam~sebab yg memeriahkan, meramaikan dan memberi keuntungan kepada owner2 tersebut bkn org lain, kita juga~carilah hiburan2 lain yang lebih menyihatkan tubuh badan dan minda kita~dan kerajaan pun perlulah mengambil tindakan yang lebih drastik jangan lah membuat serbuaan setakat untuk memuaskan hati rakyat tp selepas itu sama juga~

Sebagai contoh, ini apa yang saya sendiri pernah alami dan nampak sendiri.. Masa itu saya tahun 2002, ada kenalan sy yg berkerja di satu pusat karaoke masa tu awl lagi bru jam 7 mlm, saya kebetulan berhenti utk berjumpa kenalan sy disitu~ tiba2 dia maklumkan dekat saya ada ambush malam tu jadi kena hantar " perempuan-perempuan" tersebut balik ke rumah. Saya agak terkejut pada masa itu dari mana mereka dapat maklumat tersebut. Agak2nya dari mana?

So kita sama2lah mencari penyelesaian bagi masalah ini~


~ Life is like a rollercoaster ~




Mengenai Saya

Foto saya
i am who i am~love me or hate me~cuz nothing can change me~